Read this book if you…

- want to know more about the United Church of Christ (UCC):
- the nuts, bolts, grace, and pitfalls of UCC structure,
- the interwoven themes of covenant, hospitality, unity, and
- are teaching or studying UCC polity (The footnotes invite deeper academic exploration).
- are leading or taking part in a new members’ class.
- are in discernment of a call to authorized ministry in the UCC.
- are an authorized minister.
- are serving on a Committee on Ministry.
- are in any leadership role in your Local Church, Association, Conference, or the national setting
- are drawn to a vision of unity that is not uniformity, but cherishes diversity and unlikely community.
- want to contend with the realities of a church that is non-hierarchical, where the Local Church is the basic unit of church life, and where Jesus Christ is the head of the church.
- know that church is more community than corporation, less institution than incarnation.

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